Friday, October 23, 2009

New Hive doing ok.

I know its late to start the hive but but I kind of had to. This was a hive that had declined to almost nothing, so I added more bees from my other hives, added fresh honey and added a new queen. I opened the hive last week and I have fresh brood, and the bees are steadily working in the pollen. I have the opening reduced to about 2 inches. Hopefully they will make it. We shall see. The goldenrod are still in bloom but I think there are more fall daisies now.


Lynn said...

Hi my friend. I'd been wondering what you were up to. Sounds like the new hive is going to be fine. I hope so.

Just wondering, do your bees cluster in the winter or does it get that cold there? Sometimes I wish I lived someplace that I could garden and have active bees year-round.

Hope you are well.

Paul said...

There are times when a cold front will blow down here and it gets cold, the bees cluster, and may even have a little ice every now and then but the bees are back out as soon as the front passes and it warms up. They even find pollen from somewhere during the winter on the warm days. As far as the gardening, I picked 3 bell peppers yesterday as well as a squash. I also picked several sweet peppers and I cut them up and ate on my sandwich. I now have some soup in the slow cooker with some of the bell pepper in it.