Saturday, July 19, 2008

More photo's of the swarm capture

These photo's show somewhat of the hiving process. After removing the swarm from the limb as shown in the photo's below, We placed the limb with the swarm in a plastic trash can and covered the can with a towel and secured this for transport to the hiving location. I used a towel to cover the trash can so the bees could have good air circulation for transport. Once at the hiving location, I allowed the bees to calm for an hour or so. I had to build a new brood hive because I had none on such notice. I did have 5 frames of foundation for the brood hive although 10 are needed. Will order more at first of the week. At any rate, I placed the new brood hive in a location about 75 yards from my other bees for the hiving process. I opened the swarm container and took the limb out and placed it over the new brood hive and simply shook the bees off into the new brood hive. I then turned the trash can upside down over the brood hive and thumbed the sides where most of the bees fell into the brood hive. I then placed the frames with foundation and placed the inner and top cover on. I then allowed them to calm until about 1 hour before dark and then I moved the hive to the final location near the other bee hives. So far so good. I hope they stay.

July Swarm

I have read that "a swarm in July is not worth a fly." But my Dad called today and one of our good hives swarmed today and he was wanting to know if the swarm was worth capturing. Sure, why not. Upon arriving at the swarm it was noted to be quite large. I took photo's of what we did to retrieve the bees and also of what I did to hive them. I think they will be ok. I know this is a healthy queen because she grew the old hive quite rapidly. Enjoy the photo's.