I began reading about bees this past winter of 2007. I thought this would be an interesting hobby and so I built several Langstroth hives and several Nuc hives, ordered my supplies from Dadant, and eagarly awaited my opportunity to receive my bees.
I purchased 2 nuc hives from a local professional beekeeper on April 12 2008. Both looked very healthy with lots of bees. The hives contained 5 frames nearly full of bees and capped brood. I placed the bees in my full size Langstroth hives that same afternoon. All went well. I placed the two hives facing opposite directions on a stand that is about 24 inches in height with all 4 legs in 4- 1 gallon paint pails with old motor oil in the pails for pest resistance purposes. We have a terrible problem with fire ants around here. We also have skunks that can wipe out a hive. My elevated hive stands should alleviate this problem. We shall see.
Baking Greek Fig and Honey Bread
10 months ago
1 comment:
motor oil in the paint cans isnt going to work once it rains. oil is lighter than water. when rain hits your cans over time, the water will fill then cans and displace the oil right out of the top of the can. just think of salad dressing in the bottle before you shake it up. if you have time before the rains come i would empty the cans of oil and fill them with something else.
good bee keeping.
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